Friday, 24 August 2007


Thank goodness today is Friday and there isn't another working day in this week - I don't think I would have survived. It has been a hectic two weeks at work with things not looking to improve between now and when we leave for Spain. Roll on 16th Sept when I step onto that plane and can sit down and relax !!!

We have had the most incredible weather here over the past 6 days - we haven't seen the sun once !!!! Now I know why I wouldn't be able to live in England or NZ - while I am not able to sunbake like I used to, I certainly like to see it in the morning when I get up and when I look out the window at work. It has been raining since Sunday !!! We have had winds gusting up to 90kph at times since Monday - it seems that it has been raining and windy forever !!! Normally we may have a windy morning or afternoon but never like this - for days on end. It hasn't been raining non-stop and certainly not enough to end the drought but at least our pool is full, all 4 water tanks are full and the garden has had the best soaking in what seems like forever.

Last Saturday saw us moving closer to getting things finished - Al was busy running the wires for the sound system he is putting in his pub and I continued on with sanding the outdoor furniture. The problem with the furniture is that while it was easy in some ways to sand while made up, there were places I couldn't get to with the sander so Al took the furniture apart but the pieces are too big to clamp in anywhere so I am using the belt sander on wood which isn't secured and, at times, tends to shoot off the table into the garden. All fun and games as usual - the main thing is that it is getting done.

I was looking at the garage door the other day and think it would look better with another coat of paint so - if the weather is fine on Sunday - when we get home from softball I think I will give the garage door another coat of paint and then try to finish at least one coat on the front wall. Well I can't finish the whole wall as Al still has a HUGE pile of stones which have to be moved into the front garden but he can't do that until he has moved the excess soil from there - bit a chain reaction thing happening around the garden at the moment and we aren't sure where to start !!!!!

Kaitlin is enjoying her time at Muffin Break - they offered her muffins to bring home last week - thank goodness the little darling declined to bring them home - quite possibly the thought of a warmed up muffin would have been too tempting for me and seeing as I am (once again) trying to lose some weight before we leave for Spain - it wouldn't be the best thing she could bring home !!!!! This coming week will see her working two shifts (9.5hrs) for the week so it will be interesting to see how she goes - especially as on Saturday she is 'the muffin girl' who gets to put all the delicious toppings on the muffins (hope she doesn't eat too much of it and run out of topping for the muffins !!!!).

Tomorrow we are off to Griffith University for the orientation and information day. This is where Kaitlin will be studying next year although I am starting to wonder if we are doing the right thing. I guess at the end of the day we can re-evaluate after the first semester and if it isn't what we thought it would be or she isn't getting out of it what she thought she would - we can always change back to private schooling without too much trouble. Well it will be a little difficult because they study a completely different syllabus but, given what a smart cookie she is, I am sure we would be able to sort something out for her.

This is a link to some photos of our 'little baby' - I was talking to someone today and mentioned that she is able to get her learners licence next year and thought - geez, I really am getting old - this time next year my little baby will be driving us to school and back every day !!!!

Take care everyone, have a fantastic weekend and look after yourselves !

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