Monday, 13 August 2007

Less than 4 weeks to go

Well, as the title says - less than 4 weeks to go until we leave for Spain. At this stage I am still a little disorganised - haven't booked the car hire or the 6 nights accommodation which we need before and after our time share weeks - at least they are booked which is the bulk of our accommodation.

Alan and Kaitlin haven't been feeling well the past couple of days - sore throats, stuffy noses. We took Al off to the dr on Saturday - just the viral thing going around which EVERYONE is getting. At this stage no need for anti-biotics but we need to keep an eye on his chest. He has been using the nebuliser which does seem to help.

Kaitlin has been for some training for a new job with Muffin Break - she seems quite keen on it. They sell muffins, cookies, wraps and make cappuccino's, lattes etc so that will be good for her to learn - maybe a great barista in the making !!!! She played softball yesterday and then was asked to play up in the Res A side - she had such a great game and spent most of the game with a grin from ear to ear. She did get a lovely roasty on her knee when she had to slide into home which isn't so good. Wednesday will see my folks collecting her from school to take her to her Inter-school Athletics carnival where she is representing Saint Stephen's in the 100m and 100m relay.

The renovations at home are coming along - too slowly for my liking. The trouble is that there are only so many workable hours each weekend and there never seems to be enough of those. This past weekend we had a skip (big waste bin) delivered and got rid of lots of things which have been horded in the shed and garage - I'm sure some of what we have got rid of we will need in a few months' time - but at least for now we have some space in both the shed and the garage which is great. Next weekend we will be busy getting the front garden sorted out and then the following weekend we are off to an orientation and information day at Griffith University where Kaitlin is going to be going to school next year. We are really looking forward to that.

Well, had better be on my way - need to shower and get ready to go to work. Monday nights are a pain as we only start work at 10pm and it is all I can do to stay awake until we have to go into work. Take care everyone and have a great week !


CaramelKitKat said...

You're always so busy, but with doing lots of really positive things, it makes for really pleasant reading.

Have a brilliant time in Spain, I have turned a bright shade of green!

Mary said...

WOW not long now for Spain, you lucky thing! The renos will be worth it when they're done and then you can finally enjoy them :-)